January 30, 2009

Day One

Today the R.D. was gracious enough to let me sleep. I slept well, the rooms are cold, mine is one of the warmest because it is right next to the boiler. All those months is Oregon when we refused to turn on the heat, apparently prepared me for something (thanks Erica). It was well passed two when someone came in and said I would miss lunch and since I had missed breakfast I got up. There was two different pastas, chicken, bread, nutella and fruit that included blood oranges. Funny name I know, but they are so good. Apparently the winter comes right when the oranges are ripe and it turns them red. After breakfast I went for a run, once again so many weird looks. There is really no shoulder on the side of the road and hardly any sidewalks so when cars zoom by you have balance on the little patch of grass between the ditch and the road. It was so beautiful all the old buildings and vineyards and people and there are flowers right now! It was amazing to see people in the center of the town filling water bottles and jugs at the fountain to take home with them. I came back and took a shower. I hand washed some of my stuff because who knows when I will do laundry.
This evening the rest of the students came. I have two roommates, one from Tennessee the other from California. Jenny, the one from California, was here last semester. She took us down the street to a bar to get cappuccinos. The bartender gladly gave us these beautiful little cups with perfect foam and two intertwining hearts on the top drizzled from chocolate. The drinks were amazing, so good! They were cheap too. It was wonderful. I went in to use the toilet, they do not call them bathrooms or restrooms just toilets. It was in a very small room with a sink then with two smaller rooms inside, each with the actual toilets. Or I should say there actual toilets...The toilets were essentially porcelain bowls in the floor with a drain in the center and places for your feet on either side. You have to squat down and hold your balance while you go to the restroom, it was hilarious! Once again I will say the male population has life so much easier. I am thankful the toilets at school are closer to normal. When I went to wash my hands I couldn't figure out how to turn on the faucet then I noticed the pump down on the floor, used to keep the water flowing.
We returned for dinner and there was more pasta, bread, fruit and salad. There is always balsamic vinegar and olive oil on the table for your salad and bread. There is no ranch dressing here. Tomorrow we walk the forty minutes to Casarsa, to exchange our money and go to the train station. The head of the school Sam said from the train station here you can go anywhere in Italy and then anywhere in Europe. I cannot wait. I will post pictures as soon as I take some. I miss you all in America! Write me whenever you can and if you do not have skype please get it!

January 29, 2009

Getting to Europe

I began my journey off to EuropeI left on Monday from my second home in Salem, Oregon, made my way back to Helena, then on to Billings, Montana. From Billings I flew to Salt Lake City, I sat next to a woman with a very big smile and she made me all the more excited with her enthusiastic responses as I told her about my time in Europe. After Salt Lake I flew on to Atlanta, where I wandered around the airport for three hours. At one point in the food court I heard the sound of someone playing the piano beautifully and there I saw a man sitting at this huge grand piano playing away in the middle of the airport. It seemed so odd but in a way the circumstances surrounding him made it all the more wonderful because who ever stops in an airport to listen to a pianist? So I decided to find a seat and enjoy him along with many other people. There were not many places to sit so I ask a woman if I could sit at one of the seats at her table she said of course in a very strong English accent. I was thrilled, thinking maybe she was on her way to London, just like me. Well her husband came and sat down and we had a wonderful conversation making the time fly by. They told me why they were there and asked where I was going then they gave me tons of advice and if I recall they even gave me a few pounds. It was a wonderful experience, they were both lovely (said in an accent) people. They said, "just do exactly what you did today with us, just talk to people, and you will be fine my dear." They weren't on my flight but they were headed back to London.
From there I went over the sea and into London. The flight was amazing! Let me just tell you American airlines are bogus! Not only do they charge more but they jip you so much! We were served two meals. We could choose from multiple movies or watch different television shows and the stewardess' were so nice. America America... When I arrived in London I literally chickened out and stayed in the airport from seven in the morning til almost eight tonight! I know ridiculous. But I got scared, I was alone and I didn't even know how to work with their currency and and and...But I will see London again! Anyways I sat in the airport, I had a latte from Starbucks and when I told the gentleman that I worked for Starbucks in America, he tried to enter my partner number, of course it did not work, but he gave me a discount anyways:) Later I asked for a caramel steamer, they were quite skeptical as to why someone would order caramel and steamed milk, I am sure those will not be he last weird looks I will be receiving. Thank God for Twilight (thanks Erick), I read Breaking Dawn all day and slept in between. The airport has these nice seats that kind of recline and they are more cushioned than normal airport seats. This evening when I boarded the plane for Venice I was literally the only blonde person on the plane. It was ridiculous. Not only that, I was the youngest person on the plane. More weird looks. I was picked up at the airport by my new R.D. and R.A. two very nice girls. We made our way back to San Lorenzo and here I am! The other students arrive tomorrow, so I just unpacked my stuff which took no time at all because I have hardly anything and I love it! It will simplify so many things. I am so excited to be here and I cannot wait to look around tomorrow. I will post pictures as soon as possible. I miss you all so much!