January 30, 2009

Day One

Today the R.D. was gracious enough to let me sleep. I slept well, the rooms are cold, mine is one of the warmest because it is right next to the boiler. All those months is Oregon when we refused to turn on the heat, apparently prepared me for something (thanks Erica). It was well passed two when someone came in and said I would miss lunch and since I had missed breakfast I got up. There was two different pastas, chicken, bread, nutella and fruit that included blood oranges. Funny name I know, but they are so good. Apparently the winter comes right when the oranges are ripe and it turns them red. After breakfast I went for a run, once again so many weird looks. There is really no shoulder on the side of the road and hardly any sidewalks so when cars zoom by you have balance on the little patch of grass between the ditch and the road. It was so beautiful all the old buildings and vineyards and people and there are flowers right now! It was amazing to see people in the center of the town filling water bottles and jugs at the fountain to take home with them. I came back and took a shower. I hand washed some of my stuff because who knows when I will do laundry.
This evening the rest of the students came. I have two roommates, one from Tennessee the other from California. Jenny, the one from California, was here last semester. She took us down the street to a bar to get cappuccinos. The bartender gladly gave us these beautiful little cups with perfect foam and two intertwining hearts on the top drizzled from chocolate. The drinks were amazing, so good! They were cheap too. It was wonderful. I went in to use the toilet, they do not call them bathrooms or restrooms just toilets. It was in a very small room with a sink then with two smaller rooms inside, each with the actual toilets. Or I should say there actual toilets...The toilets were essentially porcelain bowls in the floor with a drain in the center and places for your feet on either side. You have to squat down and hold your balance while you go to the restroom, it was hilarious! Once again I will say the male population has life so much easier. I am thankful the toilets at school are closer to normal. When I went to wash my hands I couldn't figure out how to turn on the faucet then I noticed the pump down on the floor, used to keep the water flowing.
We returned for dinner and there was more pasta, bread, fruit and salad. There is always balsamic vinegar and olive oil on the table for your salad and bread. There is no ranch dressing here. Tomorrow we walk the forty minutes to Casarsa, to exchange our money and go to the train station. The head of the school Sam said from the train station here you can go anywhere in Italy and then anywhere in Europe. I cannot wait. I will post pictures as soon as I take some. I miss you all in America! Write me whenever you can and if you do not have skype please get it!


  1. Oh my gosh Cate, That sounds amazing so far! I'm glad you have a roommate that knows the ropes. That will be a HUGE help! Just reading your entries this morning took me straight back to Europe myself. It sounds like you've already been experiencing the culture a bit which is awesome. Just a side note, when you go backpacking, nutella will become your best friend. My brother and I literally lived off of nutella and daily baguettes the whole time we were in Europe. Keep up the posts, and I can't wait to see pictures!

  2. hahaha. those toilets are redonkulous.

  3. Hi Cate,
    Hope you're doing well! Rick and I have enjoyed reading your blog and look forward to your updates and pictures.It sounds like you're settling in over there and adjusting to your new "home". (But wow,those toilets are a little weird!) Have a great Monday. You're in our thoughts and prayers!
    Hugs, Terry

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Dang, that food sounds good! Glad you're having a good time. Erick's right though, those toilets are redonkulous! I would need to wash my hands and ankles!

  6. Yeah half the time the public restrooms lack soap:( And we just combined all of our laundry into one machine, I only had a couple of things in there, I am doing my best to conserve.

  7. i just puked in mouth a little. thanks!

  8. Hahaha! Yes good reaction from Ryan. Point for me...
