February 22, 2009

Venice Carnivale!!!

We went to Venice on Saturday for Carnivale. I was a bit skeptical at first, not knowing what the big deal was with this event. Oh my goodness! The minute we got off the train we were bombarded with confetti, silly string and gypsies who wanted to paint our faces. It was insane, thousands of people migrating in all different directions, not really going anywhere just there. So many people dress up mostly in medieval masquerade attire but then there were other people dressed up in ridiculous outfits including Beatles impersonators, break dancers, the village people, a group of Italians dressed as C.S.I. Miami characters and so so many more! Halloween amplified! It was so much fun! In St. Mark's Square there was a huge show including a crazy acrobat woman hoisted up in the air with a balloon. She was crazy, coming down in and out of the crowd and back up into the air. I am going to try to upload a video of it. It was so crazy and unlike anything I have ever seen.

February 17, 2009

Verona for Valentines Day

We took the train on Saturday to Verona and had a wonderful Valentines Day. I can't remember the last time I was satisfied with this holiday, which, by the way, is made only for those who actually have someone, while everyone else gets to pretend they are having fun with all their single friends (not my favorite holiday), anyways...It was the best one I have had in years. The city was packed, people everywhere, most of them couples, but Italian couples who kiss and fondle one another seem much more refined and sophisticated than Americans, haha even the ridiculous teenagers making out played in front of us like clips from a movie, maybe it was just the unbelievable scenery surrounding these happenings or maybe I am just crazy. Whatever it was, it made Valentine's Day 2009 the best yet. We saw Juliet's house and her balcony. Her statue was there and people line up to take pictures while cupping her breast! The walls were covered in love notes and valentines. On our way into into Verona on the train, we talked about the dream we are living in. I had previously asked a friend, who is in the states, what he would be doing right now if he could do anything in the world, he told me his wonderful dream and I wished him luck, then when I thought about the question for myself, the answer was so quickly there without any pondering, I am doing exactly what I have always wanted to do, there is no other place I would have said if someone had asked me that question a year or five years ago. I am in Europe traveling and seeing things I may never see again and experiencing a culture completely foreign to me. This is my dream, I am living in a dream...

February 13, 2009

The sunset this evening was absolutely incredible. Tomorrow we go to Verona and see the homes of Romeo and Juliet, yes it was a true story...Hopefully it is as beautiful and sunny tomorrow, today was perfect. We have a three hour bus ride there and we were forewarned that the bus drive does not want to stop at all! Apparently there is a pass for eight euro that gets you into all the sites and museums around the city, I am debating getting the pass, we shall see...

February 10, 2009

Simple Pleasures...

Today we ended our first class! In celebration we packed up our laundry in our backpacks and took the bikes into Casarsa. We dropped our laundry off and then headed to Coap, pretty much the Wal-Mart of Italy. I looked around and the differences in products and prices is so apparent in the grocery store. The cereal section is tiny because Italians don't really eat breakfast. There are tons of pastries, little amazing pastries. Lots of cheese and wine of course. Hardly any canned foods, in America there are so many different canned goods! Gum is very expensive and airport security conveniently took my Costco-sized orbit twelve pack and now I am without breath freshner! I refuse to pay almost three dollars for a little pack. Italians don't chew much gum I guess. The woman at the cash register wears plastic gloves and she won't put the change into your hand, it's not in an rude way they just don't. They like exact change too, I could clearly see the irritation flash across the lady's face when I handed her a twenty instead of the ten thirty-seven euro that was glaring at me from the little screen. She said something to me in Italian as I scrambled around in my wallet for the change, my face turning bright red, what can ya do? Let's see what else...Oh yes, you pay three cents per plastic bag for your groceries, you don't see hardly anyone taking bags and if they do they stuff them full. Can you imagine if the lady at Wal-Mart charged someone three cents for the thirty bags they just filled, people would think it was outrageous, but it is really quite logical if you think about it. They are so good about conserving and recycling here.
There are so many regulations on the garbage here. You have general, compost, paper, plastic and cans, in every room. It's amazing. I think it is wonderful how here it is a way of life, it is not people who are aware and recycle and take care and then those who do not. It just is you do it or you get fined, plain and simple no questions asked. I love it! People have to think before they throw things away. They told us Italy has cut their non-recyclable waste by close to sixty percent!
After the store we went to the Tabacco store to get stamps, that's the only place they sell them. Then we went back to the laundry mat and picked up our clothes. We proceeded to stuff them soaking wet into our bags, because drying clothes is close to three dollars for ten minutes! I loaded the clothes into my backpack on my back, a bag of groceries on my arm and two bags of groceries in my basket. More funny looks. Needless to say, I took every curve very slowly. When we got back we hung our clothes outside on the line, I hope it doesn't rain this evening. It's a treat to have some clean clothes.
Tonight some of the students are going to take the train to Austria and spending the night. I decided it would be wise to save for a time we could stay longer. I think I will ride a bike around here tomorrow and possibly take the train to Udine or Pordenone. I love it here, the simplicity of it all, including the things we Americans make so horribly complicated.

February 7, 2009


Marianne I love you!

February 6, 2009

Italy is so relaxed. "Riposa" is every day from one to three thirty, everything closes and everyone goes home for lunch and a nap. There is so much more time to breathe here. For the first time since high school I am not working, I don't have a car to take care of or bills to pay every month (thanks mom and dad), I have so much less on my plate and it is such a relief.
Our classes are one to two weeks at a time and only one at a time, so we study only one subject at a time rather than four or five, aside from Italian which is throughout the entire semester. It gives us a lot of space to process and discuss the subject matter.
Tomorrow we go to Venice! It's supposed to rain, which is a downer, but at the same time no one will be out, Italians think that rain and cold weather mean sickness, so they stay indoors. It should be amazing and I will take lots of pictures. Miss you all!

February 3, 2009

The cobblestone streets and green shutters ahhhh...
The Alps decided to show themselves today and how wonderful they turned out to be. This is the view from the windows of our dorm. My friend Marianne took the picture, her camera is amazing!

February 1, 2009

Walking to Casarsa to do laundry