February 17, 2009

Verona for Valentines Day

We took the train on Saturday to Verona and had a wonderful Valentines Day. I can't remember the last time I was satisfied with this holiday, which, by the way, is made only for those who actually have someone, while everyone else gets to pretend they are having fun with all their single friends (not my favorite holiday), anyways...It was the best one I have had in years. The city was packed, people everywhere, most of them couples, but Italian couples who kiss and fondle one another seem much more refined and sophisticated than Americans, haha even the ridiculous teenagers making out played in front of us like clips from a movie, maybe it was just the unbelievable scenery surrounding these happenings or maybe I am just crazy. Whatever it was, it made Valentine's Day 2009 the best yet. We saw Juliet's house and her balcony. Her statue was there and people line up to take pictures while cupping her breast! The walls were covered in love notes and valentines. On our way into into Verona on the train, we talked about the dream we are living in. I had previously asked a friend, who is in the states, what he would be doing right now if he could do anything in the world, he told me his wonderful dream and I wished him luck, then when I thought about the question for myself, the answer was so quickly there without any pondering, I am doing exactly what I have always wanted to do, there is no other place I would have said if someone had asked me that question a year or five years ago. I am in Europe traveling and seeing things I may never see again and experiencing a culture completely foreign to me. This is my dream, I am living in a dream...


  1. Oh Miss Cate how I miss your beautiful face!! I love being able to hear about your adventures, and am SO glad you are living your dream. Your pictures are fantastic! Miss you giiiiirrrl!!

  2. beautiful!

    the city isn't bad either...

  3. that would be all ryan cares about...

    that all sounds fantastic, i will live vicariously through you!

    love you!


  4. They cup it for prosperity and fertility! Live away my lovely roommate!

  5. Thanks Sean...So sweet haha. I can't see your profile so how am I supposed to write?

  6. Erica, that's impossible to live through someone else. Just so you know. Cate, thanks for the answer. I was genuinely curious. Did you do it?
