March 2, 2009

Missing. Not Missing.

I miss venti-sized cups of coffee (but moderation is better right?)
I miss warmth, it is so cold everywhere here even indoors. Spring please come soon.
I miss baths, there is only a shower here
I miss dryers, all my clothes are saggy and stiff
I miss cheap food
I miss air popped popcorn
I miss huge bags of frozen vegetables. They only have frozen peas and this weird minestrone mix here, both are way expensive
I miss sushi!
I miss free public restrooms and rest-stops. Road trips are the death of me here.
I miss my clothes, selection here is quite limited
I miss movies
I miss cheap Diet Pepsi
I miss my complicated life...

Not missing:
I do not miss having a cell phone or paying for a cell phone, weird as that is
I do not miss having to take care of a car and paying for gas
I do not miss spending ridiculous amounts of time picking out what to wear;)
I do not miss paying rent every month
I do not miss school
I do not miss the constant noise everywhere
I do not miss days without riposo
I do not miss serving snotty customers
I do not miss the economy
I do not miss American mentality or the wasteful way we live
I do not miss my complicated life...


  1. Fun blog. I love the close up picture of you too! Very cute! I'd really miss the hot air popcorn too! Take care and be safe. Hugs!

  2. Saggy, stiff clothes!? That would get my goat as well.

  3. Yes it would Ryan, you and your tight pants!
