April 6, 2009


Wow there are so many things I could say about Malta it will never be forgotten and definitely tops the charts for spring break experiences.
The flight to Malta was my first with Ryanair, the cheapest airline ever. It was hilarious. There is no line to get on the plane just a huge group of people crowding around the door and when the attendants open them there is just a mad rush for the plane, people running out to the plane! When was the last time you ran out to a plane? In America everyone is playing it so cool and walking to their spots, not on Ryanair...Italians are not loud, and this flight was the loudest two hours ever on a plane. It could have been the group of school kids occupying half the aircraft, but it was so loud the entire time! Everyone cheered after take-off and landing and although most of them did not speak English they were all singing "We Are The Champions", so funny!
After arriving in the airport, we went straight to tourist information to figure out how we were going to get to our hotel on the other side of the island. Earlier a woman from the hotel told us that there was no public transportation from the airport, she totally lied...the public transportation was amazing! It did of course take us a lot longer than a taxi would have, around two hours actually, but we rode for around a dollar in the most amazing vintage buses. When we went outside to the bus stop we assumed the huge thing parked there was some sort of sign to just represent where to board, no it was our bus and the coolest bus I will ever ride in. We got in and paid the bus driver, which took forever because everyone pays and he does the math and gives out the change to every person. Then he cranked it up and proceeded to drive down the left side of the most crowded streets and curviest roads, it was quite the ride and we loved every minute.
We stayed in an amazing hotel, with three pools and the best breakfast buffet of all time, with tons of fruit, hence the pictures of my many left-0ver melon and orange peels. A waiter came up to me one morning and took my plate and said in broken English, "you must really like fruit..." It was somewhat embarrassing, we stuffed ourselves at breakfast, because we didn't want to spend money on food for the rest of the day. Sitting in the dining hall was amazing because I love to people-watch and being there I watched dozens of different kinds of people and listened to so many different languages, it was beautiful.
We seriously lounged around so much, me more so than anyone else, I am literally so completely "touristed" out and this past week was exactly what I needed. We just laid out by the pool and walked to the markets whenever we wanted fruit or snacks. One day we hiked around to this beach which we were convinced Mari had discovered, it was in reality a public beach and the route we took completely unneccessary but it was an adventure and well worth the hike. I think that if I had not been able to lay around and catch up on sleep, there would be no way I could travel for the four weeks after school is done. I am so thankful so very very thankful.
We sang karaoke one night, which was so great. Another night we stumbled across an amazing local band who covered songs by Oasis, Coldplay and Snow Patrol, they were really great and we ended up hanging out with them afterwards. We talked into the wee hours of the night about the crazy Maltese drivers, the America they percieve and the parts they have seen and the pieces of Malta we missed out on because we relaxed too much, we all decided we had to return to Malta one day...
So we all returned with sad faces to Italy on Saturday. Two hours on a vintage bus, two hours on another stuffed crazy plane, twenty minutes to the train station in Venice, two hours on the train and a forty minute walk from Casarsa to our little town of San Lorenzo, we returned to our routine.
How crazy that we were sad about returning to Italy? Who gets sad about returning to Italy? We are spoiled, I am spoiled and my routine is a routine that involves living in a foreign country, which at times can be ridiculously exhausting, but who knows if I will ever get this opportunity again...

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